Issue 69 | April 2018
Pfizer is closing its neuroscience unit, effectively ending its research into Alzheimerâs and Parkinsonâs, and intends to reallocate funding to areas where it thinks it can make a bigger impact. We reflect on the difficulties involved in improving treatment options for those suffering from degenerative neurological conditions, looking at previous Pfizer attempts to develop drugs and todayâs research landscape.
We also take a look at the worldâs pharma manufacturing hotspots, consider the obstacles on the road to developing a universal flu vaccine, and speak to researchers at Cardiff University who have developed a tool to systematically test the likelihood that a drug will undergo âracemisationâ, i.e. turning into an inert or even dangerous version of itself once it enters the body.
Finally, we explore the use of growth drugs in unmet clinical needs and as a solution to cosmetic issues, and find out more about a new method of screening a personâs diverse set of antibodies, which could unlock the potential for rapid therapeutic discoveries.
Editor | Katie Woodward
Group Editor | Susanne Hauner
Commissioning Editor | Daniel Garrun
Writers | SiniĊĦa Belina, Elly Earls, Chris Lo,
Abi Millar, Dr Andrew Rut
Magazine Designer | Lorena Martinez
Graphic Designers | Paulius Zutautas, Francesco Cianciulli, Marzia Compassi, Kate Cuntapay, Anett Arc, Sara Basto
Lead Designer | John Hammond
Digital Publishing Director | Duncan West
gSales Manager | Nimai Amin
+44 (0) 207 936 6453
Deputy Editor | Callum Tyndall
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