Pharmaceutical Industry Risk Management - Get Risk Ready With NSF
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For the good of your company and most importantly for the safety of the patient, managing risk is being given prime importance in the pharmaceutical industry. There is no such thing as zero risk.
The best-in-class companies use risk management to prevent risk, not to react to it. Unless you totally integrate risk management into your daily life, the more you try to avoid risk, the more risks you create! Risk management is a way of thinking. NSF International believe that the key to success is to become less risk averse and more risk smart. This means making tough choices in situations with finite information, short deadlines and high pressure!
If you want to move away from reactive risk assessments to proactive risk management, or need to strip out cost without compromising compliance, NSF can help you become risk smart!
You can also attend our Quality Risk Management and Quality Risk Management for Sterile Products public pharmaceutical training courses in the UK.
For more information on our services including auditing, consultancy, quality systems, regulatory guidance and training, contact pharmamail@nsf.org or visit www.nsfpharmabiotech.org
A Beginner’s Guide To Quality Risk Management (QRM)
The pharmaceutical industry approach to assessing and controlling quality risks has largely been empirical. This is often fine but in more complex or hazardous situations, the pharmaceutical industry could benefit from a number of very helpful tools and techniques.
> > Read The White Paper
Is Fear Of Risk Your Biggest Risk?
In this white paper, NSF International's expert Martin Lush gives his insights into the pharmaceutical industry's relationship with risk. It includes five steps to help you become risk smart.
> > Read The White Paper
Risk Assessment: A Closer Look
NSF International’s expert Andy Barnett takes a deeper look into ICH Q9, Quality Risk Management, with particular focus on the failure mode and effects analysis tool for risk management.
> > Read The White Paper
Risk Management – Best Industry Practices
There is risk in everything we do. The key to our success is how we manage it. This session will show you how best-in-class companies gain significant commercial and regulatory advantage by managing risk intelligently.
> > Watch The Webinar
A Beginner’s Guide To Quality Risk Management (QRM)
The pharmaceutical industry approach to assessing and controlling quality risks has largely been empirical. This is often fine but in more complex or hazardous situations, the pharmaceutical industry could benefit from a number of very helpful tools and techniques.
> > Discover more