Characterisation of a protein or peptide brings valuable insight into its function. Irreplaceable in peptide analysis, Custom PepSet™ Peptide Libraries have distinct design varieties for targeting specific discoveries.

The Alanine Scan Library comprises a set of peptides with each sequential residue systematically replaced by alanine. These PepSets™ can be customised for expedient discovery of the most critical residues in the sequence.

Single Replacement Scan Peptide Library

While the Alanine Scan replaces each position with one amino acid, a SingleReplacement Scan Library cycles through every possible amino acid in one position. When screening the Single Replacement Scan PepSet™, increased or decreased activity will indicate the preferred or critical residue at the location.

Custom PepSets™

Mimotopes’ PepSet™ Peptide Libraries are fully customisable, with internal and terminal modifications available to optimise peptide efficiency. Biotinylation is a common choice for many assays requiring a mechanism of peptide capture.

Scanning Strategies

How the user decides to apply the Peptide Library is up to them. In general, peptides are measured for variations in bioactivity between them. The differences in otherwise identical Alanine Scan PepSet™ Peptide Library peptides will illuminate which crucial residues were disrupted by the alanine replacement. 

The degree of reduced activity can give an estimate for the relative importance of missing residues, and the most ideal residue can be confirmed with the Single Replacement Scan

Other Options

It doesn’t end with PepSet™ Peptide Libraries. Mimotopes also supplies individual Custom Peptides, with the same modifications that are available for PepSets™. Catalogue peptides, epitope mapping, and reagents are explained in more detail on our website. For antibody generation, assay services, and more, call and ask for a quote.

Contact us today for a peptide quote! 


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