C O N T R A C T   A N A L Y S I S

Alfatestlab: cGMP analytical testing services for material characterization… but not only!

At ALFATESTLAB we are experts in analytical techniques for material characterization: solid state, liquid dispersions, LNPs, polymers, etc. We are available to support you on batch release analysis, analytical method development, validation and transfer, R&D analytical studies, industrial trouble-shooting, or advanced training on analytical techniques available in our laboratory.

Our support also include​​​​​​​s nanomedicine services such as method development for LNPs microfluidic production, EVs extracellular vesicles characterization and much more!

AlfatestLab is GMP certified by AIFA - Download GMP certification

cGMP services at Alfatestlab include:

  • Particle size analysis with laser diffraction technique of powders, liquid dispersions, sprays and aerosols
  • Particle size, shape and chemical identification in powder mixtures, liquid dispersions, creams etc. using Morphologically Directed Raman Spectroscopy MDRS  technique
  • Nanosystems characterization by Dynamic Light Scattering analysis and Zeta potential
  • BET Surface area and porosity
  • DSC Thermal analysis

Visit our website for a complete overview of our services including ISO17025 accredited techniques.

info@alfatestlab.com | +39 02 6129 4602 | www.alfatestlab.com

Meet us @CPHI in Milan booth C5138 Manufacturing & Services zone