
January 2020

In the next issue of Pharma Technology Focus, we delve into the biggest topics set to influence the global market in 2020 and beyond. But first, we take a look back at the development of breast cancer treatment following the news that the number of cancer deaths has declined by almost 50% since the 1980s.

Looking forward, we investigate why access to PrEp drugs in England is restricted to patients in the NHS Impact trial despite the proven efficacy of the treatment, ask if Big Pharma can be taxed into putting patients before profits, and find out how companies are addressing the burden of endometriosis.

Plus, we track the rise of fake medications in Africa, examine a CAR-T therapy that protects non-diseased T cells, explore how 2019 Nobel Prize-winning research into how oxygen levels affect cellular metabolism and physiological function will change drug discovery, and finally, we look to the East to find out what is next for China’s surging market.


Editor | Eloise McLennan

Group Editor | Susanne Hauner

Commissioning Editor| Daniel Garrun

Writers | Allie Nawrat, Abi Millar, Chris Lo
Magazine Designer | Marzia Del Gaone

Graphic Designers | Anett Arc, Ashley McPherson, Tyrrell Lowe, Noemi Balint, Petra Konyi-Kiss, Maria Gimenez, Martina Labaiova, Filipe Costa
Lead Designer | John Hammond 
Digital Publishing Director | Duncan West


Sales Manager | Nimai Amin

+44 (0) 207 936 6453


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