Komtur Pharmaceuticals Headquarters
Am Flughafen 6
DE 79108 Freiburg im Breisgau
Telephone: +49(0)761 504 23 0
Fax: +49(0)761 504 23 15
E-Mail: info@komtur.com

Komtur Pharmaceuticals is a specialized pharmaceutical wholesaler who has been acting successfully on the international pharmaceutical market for over fifty years. We supply patients around the world with urgently needed drugs and carry out complex projects on behalf of pharmaceutical companies.

Our international team of pharmacists, qualified pharmaceutical personnel, and experienced logisticians as well as service employees is intimately familiar with the options, challenges, and regulatory requirements of the national and global pharmaceuticals trade.

Our name stands for custom-tailored solutions for supplying international drugs, sourcing and distributing trial medication, or market launching your innovative drug.

We never forget that every shipment is destined for a patient with individual needs.

From its origins as the Komtur Pharmacy in Freiburg, our company has grown to representation in six countries on three continents with over 65 employees. All subsidiaries of the Komtur Group are in constant contact with one another and work in close consultation with the company headquarters in Freiburg (Breisgau), Germany. Although our roots are in Freiburg, we are represented in core markets of our industry with our subsidiaries. This keeps us continuously updated about innovations of all kinds, new drug developments, or better transport routes.

With the exception of Shanghai, all of our subsidiaries are fully licensed pharmaceutical wholesalers.

The Komtur portfolio includes:

Our customers and partners in Germany and abroad know and appreciate Komtur Pharmaceuticals as a reliable and innovative specialized pharmaceutical wholesaler. Our aim is to keep earning your appreciation.

Go to article: Home | The power of patientsGo to article: Scandinavian Health Company InsightGo to article: Scandinavian Health Ltd.Go to article: In this issueGo to article: NSFGo to article: ContentsGo to article: CapsugelGo to article: Capsugel Company Insight Go to article: Christensella: the key to unlocking gut microbiome-based drug discovery?Go to article: Molnar Company InsightGo to article: Molnar-InstituteGo to article: A costly oversight: the ongoing impact of the valsartan recallGo to article: Novo Nordisk Company InsightGo to article: Novo NordiskGo to article: Where is the UK’s supply of Migraleve?Go to article: Dupont PharmaceuticalsGo to article: Discussing drug policy reform with psychedelics campaigner Amanda FeildingGo to article: LB Bohle Company Insight Go to article: LB BohleGo to article: Charting the life and times of the EMA as it leaves LondonGo to article: Komtur Pharmaceuticals Company InsightGo to article: Komtur PharmaceuticalsGo to article: CBD: the myth, the magic and the real deal drugsGo to article: CBDepot Company InsightGo to article: CBDepotGo to article: In the age of AMR, does a nationalised drug company make sense? The case for and againstGo to article: AtoZ-CRO Company InsightGo to article: AtoZ-CROGo to article: How do cancer cells communicate and can it help us catch them?Go to article: HOF SonderanlagenbauGo to article: HOF Sonderanlagenbau Company Insight Go to article: Buyers’ clubs: the first step toward universal UK access to Orkambi?Go to article: SterigenicsGo to article: Owen MumfordGo to article: Are we nearing the end of animal testing in pharma?Go to article: Zenatek Go to article: Barc Lab Go to article: A safer ride: the latest innovation in targeted cancer treatment Go to article: Abiogen PharmaGo to article: MimotopesGo to article: Next issue