

Latest update: 18 May 

Many economists have cut their GDP forecasts. The 2020 consensus forecast for GDP growth is currently negative and many predict a recession.

The European Commission predicts the EU economy will contract by 7.5% in 2020 but expects a recovery in 2021 despite exceptional uncertainty.


HSBC revised its global economic growth forecast for 2020 to -4.8% in May from -3.3% in April.


Global economic output will fall by $8.5 trillion over next two years, according to the United Nations World Economic Situation and Prospects report

Impact of Covid-19 on asset prices


Latest update: 18 May 

Clinical trial market impact


The number of Pharma/Biotech companies and CROs associated with disrupted clinical trials.


The pharmaceutical industry is racing to develop both preventive and therapeutic interventions. There are currently 1667 clinical trials for Covid-19.

Patient Access to Services

Telemedicine is becoming a critical tool for patient management as patient office visits decline. Hospitals are also seeing a significant drop in visits for illnesses such as heart attacks, severe abdominal pain and strokes, likely due to patient fears of contracting Covid-19.

Key mediCal market developments

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