Welcome to the latest issue of Pharmaceutical Technology Focus magazine

This month’s cover story is the first in a two-part deep dive where we investigate the world of priority review vouchers—an FDA scheme that has grown in leaps and bounds in the last few years. In recent times, pharma companies have spent tens of millions of dollars, and sometimes even more than $100m, to purchase a single fast-track ticket to approval, and the story explains how small biotechs may benefit the most from such programmes.

Also in this issue, we touch upon the growing awareness among pharmaceutical manufacturers regarding sustainability and how they can change their current practices to better protect the environment for the future.

Don’t miss a feature on the latest advances in cancer vaccines, an interview that delves into the rise of fraudulent anti-obesity drugs, and more.

All this and the latest news and analysis on the pharmaceutical and biotech industry.

Manasi Vaidya, editor