Using real-world evidence to benefit patients 

The success of a drug and its benefit to the patient or consumer is determined in the market. Why not use intelligence from the real world to prepare for the launch and to monitor and optimise its success? PHOENIX group is a leading integrated healthcare provider present in 27 European countries. Our real-world universe includes 150,000,000 patient contacts each year visiting our 2,500 own pharmacies, one of our 13,500 cooperation partners or one of the 56,000 pharmacies which are supplied with products through the wholesale channel. 

Medaffcon pioneers real-world evidence generation in Finland 

Medaffcon Oy, part of the PHOENIX group, is a Finnish company providing medical and health economic expertise. Medaffcon is the leading private-sector RWE provider in Finland, utilizing the countries unique RWE and biobanking landscape for wide-ranging efforts that promote patient-centric and effective healthcare. 

Real-world evidence (RWE) is increasingly used by the pharmaceutical industry for a broad spectrum of purposes, ranging from preclinical studies accelerating drug development to post-approval studies evaluating clinical effectiveness of medicinal products during every day clinical practice. 

What is so unique about the Finnish RWE landscape? 

Finland has several features that make it an ideal country for RWE generation. These include several national registries that provide access to systematically collected data reservoirs. Data stored in these registries’ dates back several years, even decades, offering unique possibilities for conducting longitudinal studies.  
Setting up a nation-wide biobank infrastructure that supports innovative approaches to study diseases and promote health and wellbeing has been an integral part of Finland’s Health Sector Growth Strategy for Research and Innovation Activities. To date, the Finnish biobank infrastructure consists of ten biobanks along with the legislation that supports the collection of samples and, with a broad consent, use of them for various research purposes.  
Other key elements include Finland’s universal healthcare that provides a ground for unbiased data with excellent population coverage, use of the national id -system that allows linkage of data between different sources as well as governmental support and legislation that enables the use of health data for research purposes.  

Finnish biobanks provide world-class opportunities 

Biobanks have created an internationally unique research infrastructure in Finland. Since the establishment of the first Finnish biobanks 2014 onwards, the number of biobank studies conducted in Finland have increased at an accelerating pace, including a growing number of international efforts. By the end of May 2018 there were close to 200 studies initiated that utilize samples and data collections at the Finnish hospital biobanks, including study initiators from public and private sector. 

“We at Medaffcon see that Finnish RWE landscape and valuable samples stored at biobanks offer enormous possibilities to the international pharma industry. We are enthusiastic about the opportunities that we can provide to international customers and want to use our expertise in providing innovative solutions that advance healthcare and wellbeing of future patients”. 

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