January 2022

Pharmacovigilance of a single drug is one thing, but when it comes to polypharmacy – taking multiple medications at once – getting to the bottom of an adverse event is even more complex. Which drug of several caused the adverse event, or did interactions between them play a role?

In the next issue of Pharma Technology Focus, we explore the challenges of safety reporting in patients taking more than one drug, and how the process – and patient safety – can be improved.

Elsewhere, we speak to XIL Health founder and CEO Susan Lang to find out if 3D printed drugs can live up to the hype as the future of pharma, revolutionising personalised medicine, impacting drug distribution and tackling infectious diseases and sustainability.

All this plus the latest trends and innovations in the pharma industry, as well as up-to-date analysis and insight from GlobalData experts.


Editor | Eloise McLennan

Writers | Abi Millar, Darcy Jimenez, Giacomo Lee, William Newton, John Price
Magazine Designer | Maria Gimenez

Graphic Designers | Anett Arc, Ashley McPherson, Tyrrell Lowe, Noemi Balint, Filipe Costa, Martina Labaiova, Dimeji Akinkuolie, Will Ingham
Lead Designer | John Hammond 

Publisher | Susanne Hauner
Digital Publishing Director | Duncan West


Sales Manager | Nimai Amin

+44 (0) 207 936 6453

Pharma Technology focus is powered by h5mag

read past issues of pharma technology focus HERE

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Go to article: Home | Drug dealing goes digital Go to article: In this issueGo to article: ContentsGo to article: SyrenisGo to article: Astrix Go to article: BriefingGo to article: Industry newsGo to article: The pharma industry briefingGo to article: Covid-19 executive briefing by GlobalDataGo to article: Thermo Fisher Scientific Company InsightGo to article: Thermo Fisher ScientificGo to article: CommentGo to article: Life sciences professionals prioritise quality over cost for PV automationGo to article: Slow progress for male contraceptive trialsGo to article: Accelerated approval designations in ChinaGo to article: Mimotopes Company Insight Go to article: MimotopesGo to article: In DepthGo to article: The dark consequences of supply shortagesGo to article: Digitising the pharma supply chainGo to article: Covid-19 vaccine pricing varies wildly by country and company Go to article: Psychedelics and mental health: the next big thing?Go to article: Schizophrenia drug landscape: a stagnant field on the cusp of change?Go to article: Are supercomputers set to transform pharma R&D?Go to article: BEA TechnologiesGo to article: LabcorpGo to article: In DataGo to article: North America's AI hiring boomGo to article: The pharma companies leading the way in artificial intelligenceGo to article: Global markets and indicesGo to article: Macro-economic indicatorsGo to article: Macro-economic indicators (page 2)Go to article: EventsGo to article: Next issue