Drug resistant tuberculosis causes one third of all antimicrobial resistance related deaths presenting an enormous challenge. We find out what can be done to tackle this growing threat. Plus, we take a look back at the decades-long quest to treat and prevent HIV.

Also in this issue, we track Teva’s fall from grace to find out what can be learned from the company’s price fixing scandal, examine the prevalence of clinics marketing unlicensed and potentially dangerous stem cell treatments, and speak to researchers from Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne to get the inside track on how our knowledge about the way cancer cells communicate is changing.

Finally, we review the potential and clinical success of Verona’s COPD treatment, ensifentrine, talk to PharmaFlow director Hedley Rees about modernising the industry, and find out about a ‘pay as you go’ database of AI programmes for drug discovery firms in the UK.

Eloise McLennan, editor

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